The Mad Madame Mim of Publix

Julie Jenkins Fancelli, soulmate of Alex Jones and financial backer of the Insurrection, keeps tossing money at fascist causes.

James Leftus
3 min readOct 7, 2022
Julie Jenkins Fancelli, the Mad Madame Mim of Publix

Julie Jenkins Fancelli spends her days in Italy, maintaining such a low profile that a Goggle search returns only a few images of her.

Fancelli channeling Il Duce politics from her estate in Italy

A poster child for the idle rich, Julie is heir to Publix Super Markets, a chain of grocery stores started by her father and now worth billions. Described in the Washington Post as “a wealthy woman who has lived a quiet life, mostly over in Florence, growing olives and grapes,” Julie flies between Florence and Lakeland, Florida, while the money floods in from her family’s 20 percent share of the grocery empire.

Julie paid Kimberly “Gargoyle” Guilfoyle $60K for a three minute speech

Despite a brush with the January 6 Committee for bankrolling the insurrection, Julie appears to continue channeling Il Duce from her residence in Italy. Her latest venture in fascism involves a $50K donation to Moms for Liberty.

Moms Liberty. Not Yours.

Moms began as an anti-mask group of loudmouths at school board meetings in — where else? — Florida. The group is now spreading across the country like a plague (no pun intended). Top priorities: banning books and fear-mongering about LGBTQ people.

Julie’s latest financial backing of fascism and bigotry is a bit less startling than her obsession with Alex Jones, but no less revealing about her intention to continue to bankroll right-wing groups. As they did following Julie’s financing the insurrection, Publix Super Markets will undoubtedly issue a statement claiming Julie is not associated with the grocery business, although it appears 20 cents of every dollar spent at Publix goes to the Jenkins family, estimated to be worth nearly $9 billion.

Publix response to Julie bankrolling the insurrection

Julie’s response was the GOP standard except for managing to include “election integrity” before a denial of support for violence.

“I am a proud conservative and have real concerns associated with election integrity, yet I would never support any violence, particularly the tragic and horrific events that unfolded on January 6th.” — Julie Jenkins Fancelli

From the public’s response, people didn’t accept Publix or Julie’s excuses.

Sample Twitter meme in response to Julie’s financial support for fascism.
Apparently this Twitter user didn’t believe Julie either.

Mel Sembler, a GOP backroom mover similar to Roger Stone, described Julie to the Washington Post as “A nice lady from a nice family who writes checks for things that she thinks are important. I wonder if she even realized she was writing checks for Jan. 6.

Julie’s “writing checks” for Moms for Liberty disproves Sembler’s apologistic statement claiming Julie was innocent of intent. No surprise there.*

Publix Supermarkets, without Julie’s baggage, is a fine grocery store. Because of its popularity, Julie’s antics have yet to damage the grocery store’s profit, a reality that Julie knows is true.

And Julie Jenkins Fancelli doesn’t care.



  • Sembler, now 92, needs his own story and it’s as obnoxious as Julie’s.



James Leftus

Groucho Marxist writer on the Florida Gulf Coast. Left Behind Volunteer. Former Youth International Party member. Founder AARP ANTIFA Club.