Celebrating one less asshole in America

James Rhodes, Ohio governor and architect of the Kent State school shooting

September 13, 1909 — March 4, 2001

James Leftus
2 min readMar 4, 2023


James Rhodes, Republican, of course

“Governor James Rhodes, who was campaigning for the Republican nomination to run for the U.S. Senate, helicoptered to Kent to survey the scene.

Presenting himself as a champion of law and order at the press conference that followed, Rhodes promised “to use every part of the law enforcement agencies of Ohio to drive” dissident groups out of Kent.

The Fascist Party, Republican, of course

Echoing Nixon, who had earlier called student demonstrators “bums,” Rhodes characterized the demonstrators as worse than the Brown Shirts, the “communist element,” night riders, and vigilantes.”

Under Ohio law, the governor is responsible for the actions of the Ohio National Guard.

Four dead in Ohio

Where to piss on his grave:

Green Lawn Cemetery is a historic private rural cemetery located in Columbus, Ohio, in the United States. Organized in 1848 and opened in 1849, the cemetery was the city’s premier burying ground in the 1800s and beyond.

Where to topple his statue

Governor James A. Rhodes is a 1982 bronze statue depicting Ohio governor James Rhodes installed along East Broad Street in front of the Rhodes State Office Tower in Columbus, Ohio, United States.



James Leftus

Groucho Marxist writer on the Florida Gulf Coast. Left Behind Volunteer. Former Youth International Party member. Founder AARP ANTIFA Club.